Sunday, 4 May 2008

Launch Night

Well, regardless of what anyone else thinks, I had a class night last night! We finally got something going, and as an opening night I think it was a success. The place seemed to fill up quite steadily from about 8.15 or so, and developed quite a chilled out atmosphere where people seemed to relax and enjoy themselves (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that!)

Music was sorted courtesy of Karen Teeney and Leah McFall who were absolutely amazing. Please click on their links to go to their respective pages and give them some support - can't stress enough how good they were!

From talking to people afterwards you seemed to enjoy yourselves and have a good night. We really need people to be making suggestions about what you want to do. Some people gave comments on the night - if you didn't please speak to someone in church or post a comment on this. We need ideas!

Pictures below taken by Sam, for more visit the re: late flickr page.